Tuesday, March 30, 2010




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Monday, March 29, 2010



愛國憤青自然大喊「國恥」。放鬆一下神經好嗎?其實一切只是市場。河南、四川、湖南的女人到外國為娼,科學一點看,與中國廉價製造的牛仔褲和 T血傾銷全世界並無分別。
東方女子的肌膚白淨,如綢緞,似錦繡,腰肢精細,拉着一條金屬管扭動着,像江南水鄉浮漾着月色,如畫如詩,許多洋人一生人都沒有到過北京上海公幹之福氣,是沒有見過的。脫衣舞女這一行很傳奇,有沒有看過《誘心人》( Closer)裏的娜塔莉波曼?一頂粉紅的假髮,一瓣嬰孩般純真的微笑,她哪裏是舞女,她是天使。

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Saturday, March 27, 2010



然而,英國經濟衰退,謝卓飛約滿了,也可能不回去,貪戀香港為家,一旦以香港為家,利益輸送就來了。為了減少此一風險,我默默祈禱:但願香港的沙塵暴多一些,空氣更污染,讓這個鬼佬在香港三年,惹得氣管炎、肺癆,還一星期挖出五十克的黑鼻屎。願他的老婆家小,都大嘆吃不消,這位英國 CEO合同一滿,他就會捲鋪蓋走人,這樣,西九在此鬼的領導下,就會有最大的廉潔公正。有人說,謝卓飛不懂粵劇,怎麼管西九? Well,英國人領導香港一百五十年,港督葛量洪和戴麟趾,也不懂粵劇嘛,可他們在香港沒有發動「文化大革命」,把紅伶新馬仔、鄧碧雲,抓去批鬥。在米字旗之下,香港的廣東大戲,獨步全世界。謝卓飛不識粵劇,沒有問題。

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

High Noon in Hainan

By Chip Tsao | published Mar 25, 2010

Pato Leung, a former pop music manager, now a famous health consultant and a respectable member of the Jockey Club, advised me two years ago to buy a flat in Sanya, sometimes popularly known as the “Pattaya of China.” A three-bedroom flat with an area of 2,000 square feet and a balcony overlooking the surging waves of the South China Sea cost about HK$1.5 million. “You’d love it,” he said, “it’s just like Cannes without the film festival, the red carpet and the Hollywood star parties. But believe me, there’ll be casinos and nudist beaches there in five years time. It’s good value to buy that illusion of vanity.”

I went to Sanya for a look myself. There were half-naked middle-aged Chinese hawkers selling barbecued squid and roasted chicken wings and spitting upon the beach. Young girls were wandering along the road by the sea in the evening but it was not quite like Pattaya, because they were all adults. With very few gweilos, it didn’t even look as voluptuously busy as Luard Road in Wan Chai on a Saturday night. Spotting a few Chinese flags flying atop of some three-star state-owned hotels, I decided not to take the risk.

And how wrong I was. Leung bought four flats all together in cash. He sold three of them two weeks ago, reaping a net profit of HK$14 million. He called me triumphantly to tell me the good news, with a promise of a dinner treat at Steak House, Intercontinental Hotel as soon as he got back from completing the paperwork on Hainan Island. I accepted the offer bitterly, with a deep remorse that I missed the boat because I didn’t have enough confidence in the Motherland.

China created an economic miracle by sustaining a GDP growth of 8.7 percent last year in the midst of a global recession. Experts estimate that 6.6 of that 8.7 percent figure was generated from properties or other related businesses, such as infrastructure building, building materials and furniture. Some experts in the West prefer to call it—not without a sense of jealousy—a bubble, but the figures are real and solid. Some might remind the government that the country is playing with fire while relying on skyrocketing property prices, thus adopting the Hong Kong economic model, but there are many brave and happy people like Leung everywhere in Beijing and Shanghai, and a few losers like me in Hong Kong.

It was particularly harrowing to think of the fact that it would take me an unstoppable 30 years of writing this weekly column to earn the same amount of money Leung did in just two years, and knowledge of English language is not even required. I slapped myself in the face as hard as a Catholic monk flogging his own back. Find faith in our Motherland in time or plunge yourself into the abyss of regret later. I humbly offer myself as a lesson to be learned.

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010



「這是一場環境的崩塌之災( An Environmental Meltdown)。」西蒙說。
我聽了,不太舒服。英文 Meltdown這個詞,級數很高,只有一九八六年前蘇聯切諾貝核電站大爆炸,才叫做 Meltdown,這個洋鬼子,對我國很不友好。
「但是中國人是靈活的,」我答:「像香港,明明都黃黑得伸手不見五指了,天文台就是稱為『煙霞』。英文叫做 Haze──英國人留下來的詞彙,殖民地餘孽撿起來當寶用,欺騙自以為『當家作主』的萬千愚民。不過,別小看中國人的優點,連秦始皇的專制都能忍足二千年,一點點煙霞,很浪漫,死不了人的。」
「已經是沙塵暴了,還叫 Haze?」西蒙跳了起來。
「還有一個字,叫做『迷亞思媽』, Miasma,但略嫌學術了一點,不夠口語化。」我答。
「鬼啦,別那麼矯飾,」印度西施說:「就是 Sandstorm。」
當影展的洋人評審在柏林遙距讚賞了《歲月神偷》,特區政府乖乖保育了永利街,現在,也有洋人反對「煙霞」這個詞彙了,還得到公認英文比中國人都好的印度人附和。在中環精英爭當洋奴的時代,謹將洋人的權威意見紀錄下來,當洋奴,徹底一點,是沙塵暴,或 Miasma,不是阿 Q的煙霞。可以嗎?吓?

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Monday, March 22, 2010

分 手


分手時興用手機短訊通知,精簡如一句話。「有沒有發覺幾個月來我們的性格不是太投合?」這種句子,只能通用於寫信,在短訊時代,應該濃縮為:「你我不 OK,我決定分手,勿再 Call我,拜。」


男方收到短訊,竟然回電話給她。 L從沒想到他會回電話,她以為八十後的港男,都沒有應對情變的表達能力,她以為他收到短訊,會默默接受,從此兩不相欠,天各一方。



在這個時代,面對帶着笑容的 L,我說:你有沒有想過,收到分手的短訊,一個還肯打電話回來,飲泣不止的男子,是當前的珍品?

因為,至少他還 Bother給你一個回覆,至少他還不肯放棄,至少他真心愛着你。不錯,他沒有表達能力,他連一封上訴的情信也無法執筆,甚至,在這個 IT世代,他連一句連貫的句子也無從留言,但至少,他會回電,抓着電話不放,一味飲泣。


L聽了,收斂冷笑,低頭沉思。「當你遺棄一隻小貓,牠在巷口哀鳴,你會忍心離牠遠去嗎?」我追問。 L沉默了,眼睛泛起一點淚花。我笑笑,心知做了一件功德,她會回心轉意的,我拯救了一條小生命,因為我相信,在這個無恥的年代,一個會飲泣的男人,是好的。

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Way Out of Soviet-Style Health Care

A Way Out of Soviet-Style Health Care
Solzhenitsyn's prophetic warning about the depersonalization of medicine.


Editor's note: The following is excerpted from an article with the same headline by Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman that was published in the Wall Street Journal on April 17, 1996. Friedman died in 2006. A related editorial appears nearby:

In a chapter in his novel "The Cancer Ward" titled "The Old Doctor," Alexander Solzhenitsyn compares "private medical practice" with "universal, free, public health service" through the words of an elderly physician whose practice predated 1918. . .

Mr. Solzhenitsyn himself had no personal experience on which to base his account and yet, in what I have long regarded as a striking example of creative imagination, his character presents an accurate and moving vision. The essence of that vision is the consensual relation between the patient and the physician. The patient was free to choose his physician, and the physician free to accept or reject the patient.

In Mr. Solzhenitsyn's words, "among all these persecutions [of the old doctor] the most persistent and stringent had been directed against the fact that Doctor Oreschenkov clung stubbornly to his right to conduct a private medical practice, although this was forbidden."

In the words of Dr. Oreschenkov in conversation with Lyudmila Afanasyevna, a longtime patient and herself a physician in the cancer ward: "In general, the family doctor is the most comforting figure in our lives. But he has been cut down and foreshortened. . . . Sometimes it's easier to find a wife than to find a doctor nowadays who is prepared to give you as much time as you need and understands you completely, all of you."

Lyudmila Afanasyevna: "All right, but how many of these family doctors would be needed? They just can't be fitted into our system of universal, free, public health services."

Dr. Oreschenkov: "Universal and public—yes, they could. Free, no."

Lyudmila Afanasyevna: "But the fact that it is free is our greatest achievement."

Dr. Oreschenkov: "Is it such a great achievement? What do you mean by 'free'? The doctors don't work without pay. It's just that the patient doesn't pay them, they're paid out of the public budget. The public budget comes from these same patients. Treatment isn't free, it's just depersonalized. If the cost of it were left with the patient, he'd turn the ten rubles over and over in his hands. But when he really needed help he'd come to the doctor five times over. . . .

"Is it better the way it is now? You'd pay anything for careful and sympathetic attention from the doctor, but everywhere there's a schedule, a quota the doctors have to meet; next! . . . And what do patients come for? For a certificate to be absent from work, for sick leave, for certification for invalids' pensions: and the doctor's job is to catch the frauds. Doctor and patient as enemies—is that medicine?"

"Depersonalized," "doctor and patient as enemies"—those are the key phrases in the growing body of complaints about health maintenance organizations and other forms of managed care. In many managed care situations, the patient no longer regards the physician who serves him as "his" or "her" physician responsible primarily to the patient; and the physician no longer regards himself as primarily responsible to the patient. His first responsibility is to the managed care entity that hires him. He is not engaged in the kind of private medical practice that Dr. Oreschenkov valued so highly.

For the first 30 years of my life, until World War II, that kind of practice was the norm. Individuals were responsible for their own medical care. They could pay for it out-of-pocket or they could buy insurance. "Sliding scale" fees plus professional ethics assured that the poor got care. On entry to a hospital, the first question was "What's wrong?" not "What is your insurance?" It may be that some firms provided health care as a benefit to their workers, but if so it was the exception not the rule.

The first major change in those arrangements was a byproduct of wage and price controls during World War II. Employers, pressed to find more workers under wartime boom conditions but forbidden to offer higher money wages, started adding benefits in kind to the money wage. Employer-provided medical care proved particularly popular. As something new, it was not covered by existing tax regulations, so employers treated it as exempt from withholding tax.

It took a few years before the Internal Revenue Service got around to issuing regulations requiring the cost of employer-provided medical care to be included in taxable wages. That aroused a howl of protest from employees who had come to take tax exemption for granted, and Congress responded by exempting employer- provided medical care from both the personal and the corporate income tax.

Because private expenditures on health care are not exempt from income tax, almost all employees now receive health care coverage from their employers, leading to problems of portability, third party payment and rising costs that have become increasingly serious. Of course, the cost of medical care comes out of wages, but out of before-tax rather than after-tax wages, so that the employee receives what he or she regards as a higher real wage for the same cost to the employer.

A second major change was the enactment of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. These added another large slice of the population to those for whom medical care, though not completely "free," thanks to deductibles and co-payments, was mostly paid by a third party, providing little incentive to economize on medical care. The resulting dramatic rise in expenditures on medical care led to the imposition of controls on both patients and suppliers of medical care in a futile attempt to hold down costs, further undermining the kind of private practice that Dr. Oreschenkov "cherished most in his work."

The best way to restore freedom of choice to both patient and physician and to control costs would be to eliminate the tax exemption of employer-provided medical care. However, that is clearly not feasible politically. The best alternative available is to extend the tax exemption to all expenditures on medical care, whether made by the patient directly or by employers, to establish a level playing field, in terms of the currently popular cliche.

Many individuals would then find it attractive to negotiate with their employer for a higher cash wage in place of employer-financed medical care. With part or all of the higher cash wage, they could purchase an insurance policy with a very high deductible, i.e., a policy for medical catastrophes, which would be decidedly cheaper than the low-deductible policy their employer had been providing to them, and deposit all or part of the difference in a special "medical savings account" that could be drawn on only for medical purposes. Any amounts unused in a particular year could be allowed to accumulate without being subject to tax, or could be withdrawn with a tax penalty or for special purposes, as with current Individual Retirement Accounts—in effect, a medical IRA. Many employers would find it attractive to offer such an arrangement to their employees as an option. . . .


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Thursday, March 18, 2010

We’re Having a Chinese CNN

By Chip Tsao | published Mar 18, 2010

After announcing his $2 billion acquisition of the ATV broadcasting station as a major shareholder, up-and-coming Shanghai property tycoon Wang Jing laid out an ambitious plan to turn the channel into “Asia’s CNN” in 20 years. A bold sound-bite, only eclipsed a little later the same day when the ICAC arrested the GM of competitor channel TVB, Stephen Chan, on corruption charges. It seems neither ATV nor Chan were born under a lucky star.

In order to truly create “Asia’s CNN” out of China, Wang would have a lot of work to do. Money is no problem, but it’s human resources that worry me. In order to present the other side of the news, the side not monopolized by Western media cultural imperialism, a team of local Hong Kong war correspondents would have to be urgently trained to deploy to countries such as Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan to provide round-the-clock news bulletins. There is very limited manpower available in Hong Kong. Most of the reporters recently swarming Premier Wen Jiabao at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing struggling to extract a word of comment on Hong Kong’s state of play or the performance of Donald Tsang, looked like teeny-boopers or amateur Japanese porn stars. Paparazzi lurking around Lan Kwai Fong hoping for a snapshot of Edison will be prevented by their parents from taking a high-risk job like an Afghanistan assignment; Hong Kong’s film starlets will never answer a question with a volley of machine gun fire.

Wang will have to recruit some brave candidates from China, which is never in short supply of surprises. But even if he’s lucky enough to find a Chinese Mike Chinoy, would that correspondent be allowed to beam back a live story about a riot in Urumqi if a government building was just rocked by an Islamic suicide bomber there? Would he be permitted to have the same urgency as when on September 11, 2001, CNN’s journalist uttered the famous lines live on air, “You are looking at obviously a very disturbing live shot there. That’s the famous World Trade Center, we have unconfirmed reports this morning that a plane has crashed into one of the towers”?

Would we get a program like “Crossfire,” anchored by hosts from both the left and right wing ideologies debating the issues of the day? Martin Lee locked in arguments with CY Leung on the prospects of universal suffrage in Hong Kong, watched by over 100 million Chinese households?

If this isn’t the case, the odds of any Hong Kong TV station becoming “Asia’s CNN” in 20 years is less likely than me becoming another Li Ka-shing in the next 20 months, or CNN evolving into America’s ATV if President Obama wins another term.

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當男明星都想盡辦法留住青春,四十多歲還要敷面膜、打 Botox、割雙眼皮,但狄卡比奧不同,他到了二十八九歲,就開始為自己的一張娃娃臉不耐煩,很想褪下一張金玉青春的畫皮,渴望向「麻甩佬」的層次進發。像攀越了阿爾卑斯山的向朗峯,許多人就此停駐,擁有瑞士的青山綠水就夠了,但狄卡比奧馬上盯着喜馬拉雅山,要向額菲爾士峯進發。

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Sunday, March 14, 2010





蘇聯發明的「政治局」( Politburo),史達林、布哈林、貝利亞,更是一窩相殘互噬的權術家,嚙咬起來,不見血不罷休。一個「局」字,在中國的社會學中,充滿負能量,所以前殖民地時代,高官叫民政司、教育司、保安司,「司」是好東西,像《紅樓夢》裏的春感司,秋悲司、痴情司,何其清雅,一旦點金成鐵,改稱什麼民政事務局、教育局、保安局,即刻民怨四起,從前的好日子不再回來。


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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Messing with the French

By Chip Tsao | published Mar 11, 2010

A French TV station has been causing a stir among local Chinese restaurateurs after criticizing the hygiene conditions in many of their nation’s Chinese restaurants. An association of Chinese restaurant owners called for a nationwide boycott in protest against what they perceive as a prejudiced, racist attack—a refrain that sounds all too familiar.

There is every reason for our compatriots in France to tear their hair out in face of this humiliation, although how a nationwide boycott is going to work in practice sounds a bit confusing. Does that mean a total shutdown of all Chinese restaurants for a week, or a six-month black out period until the TV station issues an apology? Will that show the small handful of arrogant French liberals (as most TV producers and commentators always are) that we Chinese have had enough ever since their president met with the Dalai Lama? In that case, non-French gourmands, including the Cambodian Chinese and Vietnamese who are itching for some wontons, will have to suffer. French bistros will surely benefit from the protest. Or does the boycott actually entail a strict racial screening of the patrons: ethnic French are turned away and only non-French are welcomed? In that case, German, Dutch and British tourists in Paris will have to present their passports and make a declaration at the dining table that they solemnly and wholeheartedly believe that the Chinese people are cleaner than the Japanese.

What if the wicked TV producer and commentator refused to apologize and stuck to their rotten racist worldview, and even followed it up by inciting a government clampdown on the accounting books of all Chinese restaurants, to the applause of
Jean-Marie Le Pen, leader of the Front National party?

It’s not easy to win global sympathy. One never argues with the French as far as the wisdom of running a restaurant is concerned. The most legendary example of this in the past decade is the success of Hakkasan, a warehouse in central London that was converted into a Chinese restaurant and made famous after the boss, a Chinese man from the New Territories, commissioned a French designer to refurbish the place at a cost of £3 million. The story goes that the designer accepted the job on one condition—he would have the final say with strictly no argument. The Chinese boss happily agreed.

The French designer then installed an open-plan kitchen, throwing transparency upon every step of the food’s preparation. They also started using waiters of Caucasian origin, and hired Italian valets. At the same time, the Chinese owner and his family was spotted more and more infrequently in the establishment during business hours.

The restaurant soon became a fantastic hit, earning a Michelin star, and becoming a must-visit spot for all the glitterati with famous visiting snobs including Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt. It was then sold for something slightly under a billion Hong Kong dollars to an Abu Dhabi investment fund a few years ago.

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Sunday, March 07, 2010




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Saturday, March 06, 2010





張愛玲說:「對於生命的來龍去脈不感到興趣的中國人,即使感到興趣也不大敢朝這上面想。」因此對於驚鴻一瞥的犀利哥,忽顧影自憐地起哄起來。他從哪來,打哪裏去,都不重要,最重要是這一快門的 snapshot。


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Thursday, March 04, 2010

Forget the Rainbow, Drive on the Ground

By Chip Tsao | published Mar 04, 2010

The campaign for a de-facto referendum as a result of a mini-mass resignation of five legislators seems to be running out of steam. The pan-democrats are deeply worried about a low turnout rate on May 16, after the Democratic Party decided to stay away from the heat and the pro-Beijing camp called for a total boycott of the by-election. If very few people get to the ballot box on polling day, the referendum will be reduced to a flop. The overwhelming majority of Hong Kong people have more or less accepted the fate handed down by Beijing that universal suffrage in 2012 (what these legislators are demanding) is now impossible. As Margaret Thatcher says, “Never get into a room until you know how to get out of it.” By forcing this referendum, the five rebels have put themselves on a highway to nowhere, but now it’s too late for them to stop.

But politics is a funny game. When things get gloomy, there is always a silver lining. Politics is not all just about holding idealistic philosophical positions and objectives for the long term, such as universal suffrage, but more about achieving short-term goals like seizing more seats in the legislature for the pro-democracy alliance in 2012. If they secured more than one-third of the seats, the pan-democrats would be in a strong position to bargain for their causes. If they win half, it would result in a de-facto coalition government.

China knows this well. That’s why they insist on half of the legislative seats coming from functional constituencies. Chief Executive Donald Tsang has proposed an increase of 10 more legislative seats from the present 60; five directly elected by the public, and five directly elected by district councilors—a move his government boasts of as inspired by the American electoral college system.

Let’s imagine it was someone like Chris Patten who was in charge of this take-it-or-leave-it challenge. What would the Brits have done if they were presented with this puzzle? My guess is they would accept the challenge; it’d be like working out a crossword, trying to outwit your challenger to make the most of it. One thing they could do: since there would be no rivals, the five rebels could announce that they won’t actually contest the election for re-entry to the council; instead, they would name five of their protégés or political mavericks to take part in the game, and these people would literally walk into the legislative council unhindered.

The Democratic Party would then reluctantly support and pass the “reform” proposal. With 70 legislative seats in two years’ time, that could mean more vacant jobs for the pan-democrats and a chance for the original five to come back later. Given the government’s impotence in handling an economy hijacked by property developers, time and opportunities are on the pan-democrats’ side.

It is time for these legislators to regain their sense of direction on the highway. To avoid a car crash, they must forget the rainbow in the sky for the time being, and concentrate on the next stop on the ground.

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